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Wednesday, August 22, 2007

More Information for All travelers about Muar..

Here is some of the info's taken from Wikipedia about muar

"Muar (also referred to as Bandar Maharani) is a town in northwestern Johor, Malaysia. The name "Muar" is also used for the name of its district, which is further sub-divided between the Town of Muar and the sub-district of Tangkak. Muar district borders Malacca on the west coast of Peninsular Malaysia. However, both administrative regions are still collectively called Muar by their residents.

Muar district is 2346.12 km², with a population of 328,695 (2000). The name originated from the word Muara or estuary in Malay. The other possible origin is Indian influence which comes from two words; ‘Muna’ and ‘Ar’. ‘Muna’ means three and ‘Ar’ means river, denoting the Muar River, which flows through Muar."

for more, do visit http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Muar

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